




The Declaration




We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. We believe in the Supreme Law of the land which is the United States Constitution and our Bill of Rights!

America is under attack from internal and external forces that seek to bring an end to Western Civilization here and in Europe.  We believe that “United Together” in Prayer and with Action Steps-We can overcome these evil forces. We can protect Humanity, Our Families and our Country. We can be a Nation that loves God and each other. 

What in the world is going on?

Forces around the world seek to end America and Western Civilization

What in the world is happening to America and around the world? We see division, confusion, anger, chaos even hatred toward each other and the Nation we call home. What are we to do? First, we pray, we seek God’s guidance. Second we elect people who are Pro-American and Pro Family. Third we do business with companies that are Pro American and Pro Family. We realize that people who seek to divide us–do so to further their own agendas. They know that a house divided cannot stand. 

Our Mission

WLA’s mission is grounded in an unwavering commitment to the principles that have historically shaped the greatness of America and its people. We champion The Constitution, The Bill of Rights and The Declaration of Independence. We seek to elect people who will right the ship of state and return America to a proper constitutional Republic. We support legislation that adheres to the Constitution, our Bill of Rights, Pro-Family and Pro-American ideals. Our goal is to see an American Renewal and a Spiritual Revival in America and throughout the World. 


What if everything you are seeing and feeling about the world today is not an accident. What if it was all planned and orchestrated by a  group of people who’s nefarious intent is to end Western Civilization. They want to-Build Back Better- a totalitarian, one-World government system that they control. They want to end our way of life.  

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  1. Pray for each other, for America and the World.   
  2. Enact Term Limits for Congress-Maximum of Two Terms in the House and Senate.
  3. End The IRS, Start a Flat & National Sales Tax. End the Education Department & the indoctrination of children. This includes ending the teachers unions and their indoctrination of children. 
  4. End global mass illegal migration. This is being implemented by the United Nations and the US-State Department. This is meant to collapse America and Europe by those seeking to implement a one world government system.    
  5. Enact Balanced Budget Amendments-continued money printing is being done to collapse the value of the Dollar. 
  6. End voting Machines-Only Paper Ballots can be used. Proof of US-Citizenship will be required to Vote in State & National Elections.
  7. End Presidential Executive Orders this Circumvents Congress and causes much of the Chaos that we see. 
  8. Bring manufacturing back to America-Made in America by Americans. Regulations must be passed by congress not by unelected government organizations. 
  9. End the Federal Reserve, which is a private institution, not a Federal entity. They have financed wars, many times on both sides, around the world. They have caused Boom and Bust inflation cycles. They have helped consolidate power for the elites who wish to usher in authoritarian one world systems. 
  10. End ties with the United Nations, The World Economic Forum and The World Health Organization. These organizations make nefarious steps to end the Independence of Nations and bring about global governance. They hide behind a Climate Change Agenda, which they do not actually believe in, to push radical policies that will collapse food and energy supplies to help force us into a one world government system. 

WE LOVE AMERICA-We love people

Join the movement to empower every American. We have the power together to help save America from the forces trying to destroy us from within and without.

Together we can start “New Companies” and “New Associations” that align with Pro-Family and Pro-American Ideals. We can “support” existing Pro-American Local and National Companies.

(Industries for us to focus on to help renew and protect America) Investment Firms, Technology, News-Media, Education, Entertainment, Sports & Social-Media”

American Renewal


This pivotal time calls for us to UNITE, setting aside Divisions, to work together towards safeguarding the “freedom” and “safety” of our Cities, States, and Nation.   

We steadfastly support the pillars of a healthy society. God-Faith, Marriage, Family, Church, and Country.

Our prayer is to see a National and Global Renewal of freedom and prosperity. To see a Revival in hearts and minds in the belief and acceptance of God their creator.

For people to see and experience the power of hope, grace, forgiveness and ever-lasting life offered through Jesus Christ. 


WLA Action-WLA News

WLA Action and WLA News, affiliates of We Love America, remain informed about local, state and national legislation. We encourage elected officials to make decisions that promote Pro American and Pro Human legislation. Freedom of speech, Freedom of Religion, healthcare, employment, immigration, and ensuring adherence to the Bill of Rights and the Constitution are paramount. 

Top Newsline

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Your WLA Membership Includes…


WLA News & WLA Podcasts provide local, State and National information to help keep us informed. We do not rely on the mainstream media who are bought and paid for by companies that may not have our best interests in mind. 


WLA Action provides updated information concerning City, County, State and National elections. We form memberships to help empower Americans at the local level.


WLA Memberships provide Local, State and National savings and discounts. Insurance, healthcare, travel, warranties, automotive and much, much more.

Join or Renew Today!


your WLA membership includes

Your Membership includes the many benefits listed on the Membership page plus affiliation with like minded people. Business Members will have their Businesses placed on our website. Your business will be promoted locally and nationally. Our Members will know you are a trusted partner to do business with. Stop doing business with companies that use their money to destroy traditional values and America.
Your Business will also benefit from the features within the Membership level you choose.          Please click on the Membership levels below to see which package is best for your business.        WLA-Support local businesses and a great cause!

Individual- Family

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$97 Month


$197 Month


$397 Month


$497 Month-Yearly

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emerging businesses just getting started



  • Your business listed on our website & promoted to our members.
  • Get New Reviews Automatically
  •  Google Direct Reviews
  • Respond To Reviews In One Place
  • Review Sharing On Social Sites
for emerging businesses just getting started



  • Your business listed on our website & promoted to members
  • Get New Reviews Automatically
  • Google Direct Reviews
  • Respond To Reviews In One Place
  • Review Sharing On Social Sites
  • Streamline Communication Into 1 Inbox: Facebook Messenger,
    Email, SMS, Webchat, Google Messaging, Etc
  • Reply To Leads & Customers With Inbox
  • Chat In Real Time With Livechat
  • Mobile App For Easier Communication On The Go
  • Increase website conversions with an on-site chat widget that
    moves conversations to text.
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One-time setup Fee $197

  • An initial setup fee will be invoiced as a separate transaction.


for established businesses looking to grow



  • Your business listed on our website & promoted to members.
UNLIMITED Team Members
  • Easy Text 2 Pay Client Invoicing
  • Grow your audience & know where new leads are coming from
  • Easily Import/Export Leads
  • UNLIMITED Leads/Contacts
  • Book your customers with easy
  • Sync with Google Calendar
  • UNLIMITED bookings
  • Add pipelines
  • Move leads to proper pipeline
  • Update status – Won, Lost, and Abandoned
Email Marketing

One-time setup Fee $250

  • An initial setup fee will be invoiced as a separate transaction.

$497 / Monthly

$4,000 / Annually


Our company has a great digital marketing division. We will handle your
Social Media Marketing and your on-line social media presence. After meeting with you and learning
more about your business, goals, and objectives we will create your on-line advertising
campaign. Every month you then choose the amount of advertising budget you wish to
invest. We then create funnels to bring those leads directly to you.