What if everything you are seeing and feeling about the world today is not an accident. What if it was all planned and orchestrated by a group of insane, satanist, who’s nefarious intent is to take down the modern world so that they can build back better in their vision of what it should be. Their vision is a One-World government that they control. No more private homeownership, no more personal automobiles, no more beef, no more free speech, 

What if everything you are seeing and feeling about the world today is not an accident. What if it was all planned and orchestrated by a group of insane, satanist, who’s nefarious intent is to take down the modern world so that they can build back better in their vision of what it should be. Their vision is a One-World government that they control. No more private homeownership, no more personal automobiles, no more beef, no more free speech, no more free press. The introduction of social credit scores and digital money so that they can monitor and control every transaction. Also, the reduction of the human population by 95%. These are the stated goals of these satanist. Who are they. Members of the World Economic Forum working in lockstep with the United Nations and the World Health Organization that’s who. Their Agenda is called Agenda 2030. You can download and read it yourself. You May or May not, believe in Biblical Prophecy, but either way world events are taking place at break- neck speed. The destruction of modern societies is happening now and being done on purpose. War, rumors of wars, endless money printing to devalue currencies, the closing of energy facilities, the closing and shutdown of farms all over the world. Increasing crime waves and gender confusion being endorsed and encouraged by Governments. The massive flood of illegal aliens totaling over 8 million in the USA alone in the past three years. This is being done all over the world with the help of the United Nations and the leaders of the Countries that this is happening to. The goal of these government leaders, including the USA is to crash their societies, introduce digital money, introduce social credit scores, allow millions of illegal aliens to vote to ensure they remain in power. The last step is depopulation. A smaller group of people is easier to control. Yes, this sounds like madness, but it is true, and it is happening now.

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