What in the world is happening in the United States and around the world? We see division, confusion, anger, chaos even hatred toward each other and the Nation we call home. What are we to do? First, we pray, we seek God’s guidance. We realize that people who seek to divide us–do so to further their own agendas. They know that a house divided cannot stand.

Our Mission our Goal is to love, encourage and strengthen each other, our families, communities, businesses, Cities, Counties, States and Nation. We know and believe that no matter our color, nationality, sex, religion we are all part of the human family.

We Believe

We believe that God created all things. We believe that humans were created in the image of God. We believe that we were created to love God and to love Others no matter their Nationality, race or gender.

We believe we were created to be productive, to prosper and to multiply. We believe in the sanctity of marriage, family and children. We believe that all people and all nations are unique.

We believe that the USA has a special place in history and time. We believe the USA and its people have a purpose and destiny.  We believe in good and evil. We know that the forces of evil seek to destroy nations and people, specifically the USA.

If the USA can be taken down all other free nations are at major risk of being taken over by communist dictatorships. Some of the evil today is represented by global entities, global corporations, many Billionaires and some politicians who seek to divide and conquer us as they form a one world government. This one world government seeks to destroy our way of life and usher in a dystopian nightmare that they control. Names like the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, United Nations, Rockefeller Foundation and the Bilderberg Group are a few of the entities seeking global governance.

Another name for their movement is The New World Order, The Great Reset, Build Back Better. This movement seeks power and control over the world. Our goal is to join-together on common ground for the protection of humanity and the USA. We seek to elect people at the local, state and National level who are dedicated to protecting Humanity and the USA before global corporations and global entities. We will form local memberships to strengthen local businesses, Churches, Grocery Stores, Energy Suppliers, Communication and Transportation centers. This in turn strengthens.

Our local communities and each other.  When or if there are problems in any of these areas we will lean on our local resources not government bodies or global corporations.

Finally, we believe that through prayer, love, diligence, communication and joining  together we can overcome the powers of evil that come against us.

Common Ground

We believe that together humanity stands on common ground. Despite the myriad ways in which people may differ, there exists foundational elements that unite us all. This recognition is a catalyst for empathy, dialogue, and cooperation in addressing the challenges, hopes, dreams, aspirations and goals that define all of us as human beings.  Let us focus on what makes us human beings created by God, in Gods image more than what sets us apart!

Close-up image of people holding each others wrists
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